Parallelized Hashing Algorithms

Cryptocurrency mining primarily relies on hashing algorithms such as SHA-256 (used in Bitcoin mining) or Ethash (utilized by Ethereum). Our GPU-accelerated infrastructure parallelizes these hashing algorithms across multiple GPU cores, allowing for the simultaneous computation of numerous hash functions, drastically expediting the mining process.

# Example CUDA code snippet for parallelized SHA-256 hashing on GPUs
extern "C" {
#include "sha256.cuh"

__global__ void mine_blocks(unsigned char* data, int* nonce, int difficulty) {
    int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    while (true) {
        // Increment nonce for each thread
        // Compute hash
        sha256_compute(data, nonce[tid]);
        // Check if hash meets difficulty criteria
        if (sha256_check_difficulty(difficulty)) {
            printf("Block mined by thread %d with nonce %d\n", tid, nonce[tid]);

int main() {
    // Initialize data and difficulty
    unsigned char* data = "Sample data for mining";
    int difficulty = 5;  // Example difficulty level
    // Launch kernel with multiple threads for parallel mining
    mine_blocks<<<num_blocks, threads_per_block>>>(data, nonce, difficulty);
    // Wait for kernel execution to complete
    return 0;

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